Summary Uses a thermostat and fan so it isn't using convection only for drying your food. This means it will complete the drying much faster than other dehydrators.
Summary This unit is ideal for the serious dehydrator person. There are several reasons for this. The heat source and fan are located in the back of the unit which forces the are to be distributed evenly. The timer for automatic batches. Temperature control for more versatility. The other reasons include the square trays, big trays, mesh liner on all the trays, and a 10 year warranty.
Summary Smaller unit so won't work well for a large family. But works great for smaller number of people. Lacks a timer but other than that this is an ideal dehydrator for the small family or 1 or 2 person household.
Summary Reliable unit that drys fairly evenly, though you might need to rotate the trays once during the drying cycle. Fan is a bit noisy, but other than that this is a fine machine.
Excalibur Food Dehydrator Drying Sheet Model Number PFP14
Can be used with Excalibur food dehydrator models 3926T, 3900, 2900, 4926T220, 4900220, 3526T, 3500, 2500, 4500220, 4526T200, ED 600, ED 900, ED 300 and 500 series
Measures 14" x 14"
Non-stick super flexible sheets can be used for rollups, taffies, fruit leathers and more...
Use for dehydrating and also for baking, such as cookie sheet liners
Summary These sheets are a something that will make dehydrating in your Excalibur much more versatile, especially for making soupier foods, fruit leathers, raw breads and wraps.
Summary Simple product to use, just put it in your dehydrator and wash it off when it gets dirty. Works well with items that would fall through the mesh liners. They are rather expensive, but will last for years.